Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Have a bicycle on campus?  Afraid of a possible theft?

Bring your bicycle to the Baker WEST lobby for a free "bug" that will be placed into the frame of your bicycle by the Ohio State University Police Department!

The OSU Police Department is able to return recovered bicycles that are "bugged" to their rightful owner.  The "bug" is NOT a GPS tracking device but a chip that will fit inside the frame of your bicycle and be receptive to Police Scanners.  Whether scanned in a cluster of bikes at the bike racks or on the floor of a pawn shop, OSU Police has great ability to recover bugged bikes!  Don't miss this FREE opportunity to help reduce bicycle theft!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Meet the BEGO Board!

Congratulations to the following OUTSTANDING student leaders for taking-on positions with the Baker East Governing Organization (BEGO).

President - Cyrus Sethna
Director of Finances - Lisa Hodge
Director of Communications - Becca Ward
Director of Advertising - Sally Patton
Director of Sustainability - Jasmine Ringold
RHAC Liaison - Nick Daugherty
UHBSA Liaison - TBD

Floor Representatives

1/FG: Christen Corcoran
1/HIJ: Cameron DeHart
2/FG: Karisa Poskonka
2/HIJ: Katie Glasier
3/HIJ: David Watson
4/FG: Jennifer Cedeno
4/HIJ: Brad Norval

Stay tuned for set meeting days/times to be determined by the end of the week.  Also - if you are interested in getting involved, please contact DOUG as soon as possible as there remain only a few positions open to represent Baker East this year!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

BEGO...Baker East's Governing Organization

New for the 2009-2010 academic year is Baker Hall East's Governing Organization (BEGO). The organization is comprised of Baker East residents who have an interest in representing the needs and interests of all Baker East residents...to provide for an enhanced living experience. BEGO is responsible for the expenditure of Activity Funds, that all on-campus students contribute to through their quarterly fees. This year's organization is starting from the ground-up, beginning with tonight's informational meeting. If YOU are interested in running for an Executive Board position or being a Floor Representative, simply pick up an application at the Baker East front desk and return it (completed) no later than 5:00pm on Monday, September 28. Stay tuned here for all BEGO updates and information throughout the year!

You can also preview and print-out an application by visiting THIS LINK.
To view E-Board position duties, please visit THIS LINK.

Improv Jam Session!

Just a typical night of RA fun in Baker East!

Anthony, Howard, Sean, Gabby, Bryan & Chris take a moment to serenade in the Rec-Room.

World's Largest Pillow Fight...

Guinness World Record Pillow Fight
(Presented by Mortar Board Senior Honorary)

Thursday, September 24th, 2009
Gates open at 6:30, Pillow Fight begins at 8:00 PM.

Free food, Live DJ, great prizes and entertainment.
Bring your pillow and Buck ID to the R-PAC!

Proceeds go toward Pancreatic Cancer Research!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

They're Here!!!


We could not be more excited nor more happy to have you all here!  Please seek out a staff member if you or someone you know has a question or needs assistance!

We can't wait to meet you all.  Stay tuned to this blog, Twitter and Facebook throughout the year for on-going updates on Baker East events, student updates and much, much more!  Hooray, welcome - LET'S GO BUCKS!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Welcome John Glenn Learning Community!

62 of our 80 JGLC members are here and moved in!


Cars along College Road, waiting to unload and move-in!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

OWL arrival: TOMORROW!

Hey OWLs, are you ready?

Campus move-in begins at 10:00AM tomorrow...please arrive at Baker East to check-in.

If you have additional questions, e-mail the Hall Director for a prompt response!

We can't wait to see you tomorrow and to get your OSU experience started...HOOT HOOT!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Meet Doug!

Douglas Eck
Hall Director (Baker East)

Doug is returning to Baker East for a 2nd year of fun and excitement! Originally from Macomb, IL...Doug came to OSU in 2002 to pursue his Master's degree in Higher Education & Student Affairs (College Student Development). Graduating in 2004, Doug has been at OSU ever since. Currently in his 6th year of being a full-time Hall Director, Doug lives and works in the residence hall with the rest of the fantastically talented staff and amazing students. Doug has found great motivation and satisfaction in helping college students to succeed, learn and to help students realize what it means to be a member of a global society. Doug's overall responsibilities as a Hall Director are to ensure overall building function, student behavior and to support the student experience. Similarly, Doug works with the John Glenn Learning Community, front desk operations and is a fantastic resource for navigating this large university.

Doug has many interests that vary off and on, much like a kid in a candy shop, distracted by this and then that...from exercise & outdoors to reality television & cooking, there is not a whole lot that he doesn't like to do. However, his one great love is travel - particularly abroad! Spending the summer of 2007 aboard the M.V. Explorer's Semester At Sea program, Doug had a once-in-a-lifetime experience of traveling to 8 countries in Central and South America aboard a floating campus. Doug is a great resource to everyone in Baker East - be sure to meet him (and introduce yourself over and over until he remembers your name...there's only one of him and 325 of you)!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Meet the staff...

Ashwin Gapchup
Resident Advisor (4001-4037)

Ashwin (pronounced: Ush-win) Gapchup comes to Baker East as a new Resident Advisor.  Ashwin spent last academic year in Morrill Tower over on the west-side of campus and is pumped to be part of the community found on south campus.  Ashwin is an Electrical and Computer Engineering major, who is a long way from home in Pune, India...a town just outside of Mumbai.

"I believe that limitations completely stop the mind from thinking beyond certain horizons. On the same lines, I think that I am a person who believes in complete wild imagination. There are times that I am quiet (the times that my mind is wandering off to some crazy thoughts!), but I really like talking to people and getting to know them!"  Ashwin has many great stories of international travel, his experiences here in the States and would love to share some amazing Indian food with you!  Make the hike up to the 4th floor to meet this stud - he's excited to meet you!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Follow Baker East on Twitter!

Stay up-to-date with Baker East students, staff, events and news - each day and everyday on TWITTER

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Meet the staff...

Sean Kubicek
Resident Advisor (2038-2081)

Sean comes to us from the shores of Lake Erie...more specifically Catawba Island. No stranger to south campus, but new to Baker East - Sean is excited to partner with Gabby on the 2nd floor for an amazing residential experience. Having staved off 2 sisters and a brother, Sean is quite comfortable in a group settings, enjoying all kinds of games, sports, movies, video games and simply just being on the water. Let's hope that Sean doesn't make the Olentangy River his substitute for the shores of Lake Erie!

"One of my favorite things to do is theatre, being in productions and going to them. I have been in 10 community and school musicals and plays throughout high school and college. Above all, I love my Buckeyes and the great bonds shared between students, alumni, and fans." You will find that Sean's easy-going personality will lead you to many comfortable conversations - but in the event that you "want to go the extra mile" take him to an Italian dinner (but steer clear of onions), cue-up some Bob Dylan, the Shawshank Redemption or deliver the guy a "Whatchamacallit" - Sean is pumped to meet you in a little over a week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Roommate Matching at Ohio State

Curious how you and your roommate may have been matched?  The folks at National Public Radio interviewed Ohio State's very own Toni Greenslade-Smith on the realitites of hand-matching 6,000 incoming students and a whole lot more.  Listen for free HERE!

Meet the staff...

Howard Harcha IV
Resident Advisor (0012-1037)
John Glenn Learning Community

Rounding out the John Glenn Learning Community's RA team is Howard Harcha (Haar-Kee), a Sophomore History Education major from Portsmouth, Ohio. Howard is a returning staff member to the Baker East team, having spent last year as a member of the JGLC. Howard is also a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and an active participant in many OSU intramural sports. Howard has a love for "most things sports," enjoys country music and will gladly saddle-up to watch nearly any type of movie.

Interestingly enough - Howard is a triplet, not an identical one though (fortunate for us). For a great story - ask Howard what his connection is to "Ripley's Believe it or Not!" It's hard to ever catch Howard in a bad mood, but on the rare occasion that you need to "win him over" feel free to swing by with some Adriatico's pizza, a Gyro or some Garth Brooks. Howard and Kelly are excited to meet the John Glenn LC residents in the coming weeks and are gearing up for a busy Early Arrival program for their 80 students.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Meet the staff...

Kelly Stritzinger
Resident Advisor (1038-1081)
John Glenn Learning Community
Forming 1/2 of the John Glenn Learning Community RA team, Kelly "Stritz" is joining the ranks of the Baker East staff as a junior, majoring in Political Science and International Studies.  Originally from South Carolina, she has also lived in Delaware and George - but really considers Ohio to be home.  In addition to her academic pursuits, Kelly considers music and all other forms of art to be the reason she's alive!

"I think Henri Matisse was so right when he said “creativity takes courage.” I’m more than a little bit goofy, and wonder about such things as aliens all the time. You know, there are probably aliens out there that think we don’t exist!"  Kelly is excited to get the year rolling - welcoming the John Glenn LC residents early with her co-RA: Howard Harcha.  Kelly is involved with Jazz combo, trumpet and College Democrats.  Fortunately, she picked the right school as her favorite color is red SCARLET!  Kelly is excited to meet you - find her on the "F-wing" of the first floor!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Meet the staff...

Bryan Dritschel
Resident Advisor (3001-3037)

Bryan is returning to Baker East as the "veteran" of the staff.  Stepping into his RA role last winter quarter, Bryan is excited to experience his very first autumn quarter at OSU!  Bryan is one of those "out of staters" calling North Brunswick, NJ home.  Bryan enjoys a good challenge in life - majoring in Electrical Engineering and remains heavily involved in Undergraduate Research.  Make no mistake - Bryan's serious when it comes to school!

"I enjoy running around, playing ultimate frisbee, football, rock wall climbing, pool, ping pong, and soccer."  Similarly, those wanting to make nice with Bryan should be well-equipped with Reese's PB cups, some Adriatioc's pizza or Greenday tickets!  "I love to get to know people so stop on by and say hello!"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Meet the staff...

Gabby Gliatta
Resident Advisor (2001-2037)

Gabriella (Gabby) Gliatta will be returning for a second year of living in Baker East.  While in her first year as an RA, she enjoyed the comforts of Baker East so much that Baker East was her #1 choice to be an RA!  We are excited to have her joining our team.  Most people call her "Gab" given her self-proclaimed ability to "talk a lot," but don't let that fool you; she's also a fantastic listener.  Gabby grew up in small town Chardon, Ohio - finding that Columbus is about as "city" as she is able to get at this point in life.

Gabby is a huge fan of peanut butter...showing up at her door with a can of Jif may be a bit creepy on day 1, but we doubt that she'll refuse you in the end.  "I love running, math, chemistry and laughing as much as possible.  Also, I'm sure I will love you!"  You can find Gabby on the 2nd floor, roaming the "H, I & J" wings, tag-teaming 2nd floor efforts with Sean Kubicek.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meet the staff...

Chris Caspary
Resident Advisor (4038-4081)

The man, the myth, the legend - Chris Caspary joins the Baker East staff as one of the talented Resident Advisors for the penthouse floor of Baker East - floor #4! Chris hails from the village of Poland, Ohio - population under 3,000 (according to the reliable Wikipedia). There are a couple of VERY IMPORTANT things that one should know about Chris...chief among those things are his extensive involvements on campus. In addition to his nearly full-time job as an RA, Chris is quite active in OUAB (Ohio Union Activities Board), is an intern for the Ohio House of Representatives, is a member of the Mortar Board Senior Class Honorary, involved with Buckeyethon, Buck-I Frenzy, and the President's Convocation...just to name a few.

If you really want to "win over" Chris - invite him to a game of Bingo, suggest a best-selling Romantic Novel, play some Pokemon, challenge him to a knitting contest, go bird watching, debate the merits of legendary singer Neil Diamond, participate in a yodeling duel or a stiff competition of race-walking. Steer clear of frozen vegetables, angry bunnies and "I know, right?" - and you'll be off to a great year!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Meet the staff...

Katy Exline
Resident Advisor (3038-3081)

Meet Kathryn "Katy X" Exline, a sophomore political science and international studies student. Katy calls Delaware, OH home and will be assuming RA responsibilities of the 3rd floor, rooms 3038-3081 this autumn quarter!  When she manages to be productive, Katy participates in the Honors Service Community and assists two professors with their research.

"I wear my sunglasses at night and I like piƱa coladas (non-alcoholic of course!), and getting’ caught in the rain. My romances include Gerard Butler, Paul Newman (about 50 years ago), and Brutus Buckeye. Watch out for Brutus though! He’s a heartbreaker."

In the above picture, Katy "has a moment" with Buckeye Basketball stars David Lighty and Dallas Lauderdale at the RPAC.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Meet the staff...

Anthony Rusher
Resident Manager of Baker Hall East!

Anthony is a Junior, Chemistry major from Fremont, OH. Joining the ranks of the Baker East staff this year, Anthony is charged with "all-things" front desk! Serving in a significant administrative role this year, Anthony will help make Baker East function day-to-day with sweet, sassy ease.

This summer, Anthony spent long sunny days throughout Italy - vowing to one day go back and open a breakfast diner. Given his love for all things Italian - this probably isn't too far a stretch of the imagination. Aside from OSU v. M*ch*gan moments on campus, Anthony loves all shades of blue, has a great laid-back personality and really loves to do all sorts of things so long as they are done with friends.

Drop by the front desk to meet Anthony - he'll be advertising for and hiring new Office Assistants shortly after move-in!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What does my room look like?

Beginning on August 17, 2009 - be sure to do a "room search/look-up" on http://www.housing.osu.edu/ for exact measurements and specifications for your new home.  In the meantime, we hope these photos will be helpful as you start to visualize your living space.

A "typical" double room (picture taken from door).
While the architectural structure of Baker East is quite unique, each room can have a "variation" of sorts.  For the "most part" - a typical double room looks like this.  Most beds in Baker East are lofted, allowing you to put your desk & bookshelf underneath your bed.  Each student is provided a closet, either built-in or mobile (pictured) that will give you added storage.  Similarly, each moveable closet unit contains a lockable drawer, you just need to bring your lock of choice!
Here is a closer look at the moveable dresser/closet unit.  Notice the mirror on the inside door and the lockable top drawer.
A closer look at a lofted bed, with space for desk, bookshelf, chair and filing cabinet below.
Each room has cable and telephone hook-up as well as Ethernet ports for each student.  Baker East is "wired for wireless" Internet access, all you need is your Wi-Fi compatible device.  Similarly, each room comes with a micro-fridge unit - giving you fridge/freezer and microwave access, right in your own room!
For exact dimensions of your room, you'll have to be patient for August 17.  In the meantime, your Hall Director Doug is readily available to answer any questions you might have!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome to Baker East!

CONGRATULATIONS, you've gotten your 2009-2010 housing assignment and we are pumped that you will be joining us in Baker East this year. Baker East, located on south campus at the corner of College & 12th Avenues, is a dynamic community! Home of the John Glenn Learning Community, a talented staff and an active & involved residential population, we are confident that you are going to find Baker East to be the perfect OSU home.

We encourage you to check back on a regular basis for updates on move-in, meeting the staff and other fun/important announcements as the school years draws closer.

You can now keep up with all of the happenings of Baker East via Twitter, www.twitter.com/bakereast and by joining our Facebook group HERE.

If you have immediate questions about Baker or the upcoming year, please fee free to e-mail the Hall Director: Douglas Eck, he's a pretty sweet guy that makes this place run like a peach! Enjoy the rest of your summer, September will be here before you know it!!!