Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Meet the BEGO Board!

Congratulations to the following OUTSTANDING student leaders for taking-on positions with the Baker East Governing Organization (BEGO).

President - Cyrus Sethna
Director of Finances - Lisa Hodge
Director of Communications - Becca Ward
Director of Advertising - Sally Patton
Director of Sustainability - Jasmine Ringold
RHAC Liaison - Nick Daugherty
UHBSA Liaison - TBD

Floor Representatives

1/FG: Christen Corcoran
1/HIJ: Cameron DeHart
2/FG: Karisa Poskonka
2/HIJ: Katie Glasier
3/HIJ: David Watson
4/FG: Jennifer Cedeno
4/HIJ: Brad Norval

Stay tuned for set meeting days/times to be determined by the end of the week.  Also - if you are interested in getting involved, please contact DOUG as soon as possible as there remain only a few positions open to represent Baker East this year!

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