Sunday, August 30, 2009

Meet the staff...

Anthony Rusher
Resident Manager of Baker Hall East!

Anthony is a Junior, Chemistry major from Fremont, OH. Joining the ranks of the Baker East staff this year, Anthony is charged with "all-things" front desk! Serving in a significant administrative role this year, Anthony will help make Baker East function day-to-day with sweet, sassy ease.

This summer, Anthony spent long sunny days throughout Italy - vowing to one day go back and open a breakfast diner. Given his love for all things Italian - this probably isn't too far a stretch of the imagination. Aside from OSU v. M*ch*gan moments on campus, Anthony loves all shades of blue, has a great laid-back personality and really loves to do all sorts of things so long as they are done with friends.

Drop by the front desk to meet Anthony - he'll be advertising for and hiring new Office Assistants shortly after move-in!

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